Batis store is a division of Capital Pest Control.

Capital Pest Control Services was established over 15 years ago to provide pest control solutions for businesses within Central London. To this day Capital continues to grow now with offices covering most of London and Surrey.

Our vast knowledge gained working on the front line, in what is considered to be the pest capital of the country, has enabled us to compile only the very best and most effective pest control products, now packaged and designed for amateur use.

As part of our service, all products sold come with step by step instructions, however should you require any further assistance, you can always contact one of our customer support staff, all of which are from a pest control background.

خدمات ارائه شده: طراحی سایت
سال اجرا: 1397
دسته بندی: فروشگاهی
نشانی سایت: